All Orders & Deliveries news – Page 244

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    US airlines hold profit course


    Kevin O'Toole/LONDON US AIRLINES continued their long haul back into profit during the first quarter, although news that Trans World Airlines is heading back into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection sounds a warning note that the restructuring is not yet over. TWA says that it has ...

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    777 ETOPS approvals go down to the wire


    Guy Norris/SEATTLE BOEING AND UNITED Airlines hope to receive US Federal Aviation Administration approval for 180min extended-range twin-engine operations (ETOPS) for the 777 by 30 May - just a week before revenue services begin. The European Joint Aviation Authorities' (JAA) timetable is unclear. British Airways ...

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    Skippers Sale


    Fairchild Aircraft has sold a Metro 23 to Skippers Aviation, based in Perth, Western Australia, for delivery in July, with a second aircraft on option. The US manufacturer has delivered two Metro 23s to Hainan Airlines of China and one to Asia-Pacific Airlines of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sydney-based Australian Jet ...

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    Boeing places drawings on-line


    AIRLINE ENGINEERING departments are to gain, for the first time, direct on-line access to a Boeing technical-drawings database covering all its aircraft from the 707 onward. Called REDARS (reference engineering-data automated-retrieval system), the subscription-based system gives maintenance engineers on-line access to "...the technical drawings and parts-lists needed for ...

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    CNAC challenges Cathay at Hong Kong


    China National Aviation (CNAC) has applied to the Hong Kong Government for an air operators' certificate (AOC), threatening Cathay Pacific Airway's virtual monopoly and undermining confidence in its post-1997 position. Hong Kong's Civil Aviation Department (CAD) has confirmed that CNAC, a subsidiary of the Civil Aviation Authority of ...

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    Fairchild and Let drop joint venture plans


    FAIRCHILD AIRCRAFT and Czech regional-turboprop manufacturer Let Kunovice have finally dropped long-standing plans for a joint-venture company, according to Let president Zdenek Pernica. Pernica says that the companies have backed away from the plan because the privatisation and restructuring process of the Czech Company was taking too long. ...

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    GE looks to 1995 for rise


    GENERAL ELECTRIC'S annual accounts reveal that its aircraft-engines division turned in a lacklustre performance in 1994, but hopes to lift profits significantly over the coming year. Sales were down again by 13% on the year, at around $5.7 billion, with revenues from US Government business down by ...

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    777 completes its joint certification


    On 19 April Boeing's 777 became the first of the US manufacturer's commercial airliners to receive simultaneous type/design and production certification from both the US and European airworthiness authorities. The certification ceremony at Seattle, Washington marks the first milestone in Boeing's co-operative and concurrent certification (CCC) programme begun ...

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    Boeing drives 777 ahead but loses Gulf Air orders


    BOEING IS continuing its intensive effort to push the 777 into service on time after confirming that it has lost Gulf Air's order for six aircraft, with six options. The Bahrain-based carrier dropped its commitment to the General Electric GE90-powered aircraft after deciding that it would end ...

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    A firmer future


    As the industry recovers, aircraft values are hardening and surpluses falling but some types are faring better than others. Clive Medland of SH&E explains why. Predicting the outlook for the commercial aviation industry is somewhat analogous to forecasting the weather. We can accurately predict that there will be winters and ...

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    China order thaw on way


    Pressure is mounting for Beijing to relax its freeze on new aircraft orders. It looks as if the Civil Aviation Administration of China will permit two, and perhaps all three big carriers, to place firm orders. Senior Air China officials recently visited Toulouse and Seattle in anticipation that ...

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    Turnup for the books


    Cancellations dropped sharply in 1994 and orders look set to recover this year. But the delivery upturn is still two years away and the outlook remains tough for major and regional aircraft manufacturers alike. Mark Odell reports. No-one expected any different in 1994 as aircraft orders remained in the doldrums. ...

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    Airbus aims for domination of jet-airliner market by 2000


    AIRBUS FORECASTS that, within the next five years, it will be in a straight fight with US manufacturers, winning half of the world's new jet-airliner orders in a market worth around $50 billion a year. The consortium now has around 30% of new orders, but has plans to ...

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    GE90-powered 777 reaches Mach 0.96 in dive


    THE GENERAL ELECTRIC GE90-powered Boeing 777 reached Mach 0.96 during a high-speed dive in February, as part of a faster-than-expected expansion of the aircraft/engine flight envelope. "We are well into the test schedule. In fact we're already at the point that we'd normally be at six weeks into ...

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    Upbeat UK operators urged into Europe


    The UK Government has pledged backing for its business-aviation operators in ensuring a "level playing field" in Europe when full cabotage is introduced in 1997. The promise was delivered at the annual conference of the General Aviation Manufacturers and Traders Association, which urged its members to exploit the ...

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    Swissair in regional/charter shake-up


    Andrzej Jeziorski/MUNICH SWISSAIR HAS HANDED over its regional-jet operations to its Crossair subsidiary. In a second strategic move, Swissair and Crossair will absorb the loss-making charter flights of Balair/CTA - effectively ending the latter's operations. Both moves are aimed at cutting costs and restoring group profitability. By the ...

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    Boeing seeks waiver over head-impact rules


    BOEING HAS requested a temporary exemption from US Federal Aviation Administration head-injury criteria (HIC) certification rules for some economy-class seats on the 777 until May 1996. The company, like others, has been struggling for some four years to find ways of meeting the HIC requirements and has experimented ...

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    Marshall wins second order for TriStar freighter work


    MARSHALL AEROSPACE of the UK is to convert three Lockheed L-1011-200 TriStars to freighters for International Air Leases (IAL), and the company has also negotiated additional options. The deal is the second major TriStar freight-conversion contract for Marshall, which again beat rival Lockheed Aeronautical Services (LAS) for the ...

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    USAir hit by cabin fever


    USAir has started a campaign that will result in a downsized fleet and employee roster. This is even with a $2.5 billion concessionary package that has been tentatively worked out with three of its four contract employee groups, an agreement that, sources say, if finalised could still leave the airline ...

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    MDC will deliver first MD-90-30


    McDonnell Douglas (MDC) is to deliver the first MD-90-30 to launch customer Delta Airlines on 24 February, for service entry in early April. Steve Atkins, MDC twinjet-programmes general manager, says that the goal is to have "98.4% dispatch reliability" within the first six months of service. ...