An unidentified New Zealand syndicate with close links to Qantas is finalising a deal with News Corporation to take over Ansett New Zealand. Industry sources suggest Qantas is sponsoring the takeover and plans to transfer six of its Boeing 737s to the new owner's fleet.

A block of six aircraft registrations has been reserved on the New Zealand register. Three of these correspond with Qantas 737s on the Australian register. The other three are alphabetically sequenced, so another 737 transfer seems likely. Qantas declines to comment.

The aircraft could be used to add a trans-Tasman capability to Ansett NZ's fleet, or to replace its British Aerospace 146s on domestic operations. Sources say Ansett NZ has removed a BAe 146-300 from the New Zealand list and has downgraded aircraft types on some routes, perhaps in preparation for a restructuring.

Source: Flight International