Argentinian airframers Fabrica Argentina de Aviones (FAdeA) and Latinoamericana de Aviación (LAVIASA) have launched a co-production agreement to manufacture the PA-25 El Puelche agricultural aircraft at the former's installations.
The first phase of the agreement is expected to see production of 12 basic airframes at LAVIASA's Mendoza production facilities, which will be then shipped to Cordoba-based FAdeA for final assembly and fitting-out.
Production is expected to ramp up to 48 aircraft - all manufactured at FAdeA's facility - with LAVIASA providing some components.
LAVIASA obtained the manufacturing licence to the Piper PA-25 Pawnee-based El Puelche over thirteen years ago. However, production of the two-seat aircraft has been extremely modest, with fewer than 10 aircraft built since 2008.
LAVIASA also developed a two-seat primary trainer derivative known as the PA-25-235, but a dearth of investment has hampered the airframer's plans to expand its facility.
Under the FAdeA/LAVIASA agreement, two versions of the El Puelche will be manufactured. Both will be powered by an Avco-Lycoming O-540-B2 260hp (194kW) engine and under the same model designation.
The tandem two-seat PA-25-235 is already attracting significant interest, notably from the Argentinian air force, as a possible replacement for its Beech B45 Mentor primary trainers.
Source: Flight International