Visitors to the SAS Component booth had better have some bright ideas up their sleeves when they come calling. The Copenhagen-based company has engaged artist-in-residence Pia Christiansen to paint a picture symbolising the show – and she’s inviting visitors to contribute ideas and even a few brush strokes.

SAS Component art W445

An art teacher who also assists Jens Birkemose, Denmark’s most eminent living artist, Pia has been working on her Asian Aerospace canvas four hours a day since the show began. But there’s still some scope for contributions, so artistically inclined showgoers should hurry along to Booth A1237.

The finished masterpiece will be auctioned, starting this afternoon and continuing on the SAS Component web site until 3 March. Bidding has already reached $500 and proceeds from the winning bid will be donated to the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. And everyone who has laid a brush on the painting this week will receive a high-quality print as a memento.

Source: Flight Daily News
