The Australian government last week launched an Industry Action Agenda for the country's struggling general aviation sector in an effort to reverse its decline.

The establishment of the action agenda for GA, which is a government-industry initiative designed to promote the growth, diversity and export potential of the sector, was expected. It is widely acknowledged in Australia that the industry is in decline, with investment in GA aircraft decreasing, flying hours on the way down and fewer people entering the industry.

Action agendas have been successfully applied to a number of industries in the country. The process will develop long-term strategic initiatives for the industry over the next 12 to 18 months.

"The Australian government recognises the important role GA plays in our vast country, particularly in regional and remote parts of Australia, and I am well aware of the ongoing challenges the industry faces," says Warren Truss, minister for transport.

Meanwhile, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority will hold a meeting later this month to discuss the concept of self administration with the GA industry. Twelve of the country's GA industry groups have been invited to discuss whether self-administration could result in a better or equivalent safety record for the sector, and the most appropriate model for self-administration.

Source: Flight International