Bahrain Airport Services - exclusive ground handler and catering provider at the country's international airport - is targeting opportunities overseas. "We are looking at a number of projects to export BAS's expertise in this region, the Far East and Europe," says chief executive Phil Bowell. Among its offerings is a halal food distribution operation that Bowell says could be attractive to non-Middle Eastern airlines with large numbers of Muslim passengers.


UK trade body Aerospace Defence & Security is to open its first Middle Eastern office in Bahrain, followed by another likely to be in Abu Dhabi, to serve increasing numbers of its members doing business in the region. The former Society of British Aerospace Companies already has branches in Toulouse and Bangalore, and chairman Ian Godden says small and medium-size enterprises in particular need support as they cannot afford to establish their own presence in emerging markets. The 850-member organisation also hopes to open offices in Brazil and China.

Source: Flight International