Private Polish aviation company Zaklad Remonmtów i Produkcji Sprzetu Lotniczego is close to performing the first flight of its Bielik jet trainer (right). The project is a private venture aimed at filling the Polish air force's need for an advanced trainer.

Company owner and Bielik chief designer Edward Marganski is keen to attract civilian customers as well.

The Bielik is expected to have a maximum speed of Mach 0.9 using a single Instytut Lotnictwa (IL)K-15 engine, which was developed for the PZL I-22 Iryda, the aircraft originally designed as the Polish air force's next jet trainer. Bielik measures 9.26m (30.4ft) long and will have a 2,500kg (5,500lb) maximum take-off weight.

The aircraft will not be armed, and weapons training instead is to be conducted using on-board simulations. The Bielik jet trainer's aerodynamic shape is designed to allow high angle-of-attack flight and the airframe will be stressed for high-g manoeuvres, allowing trainee pilots to experience the flight attitudes and loads of modern fighters. The Bielik is equipped with conventional, non fly-by-wire controls and a traditional non-glass cockpit.

Source: Flight International