Boeing will open further research and development (R&D) centres outside the USA following the launch of its first overseas facility earlier this year in Madrid, Spain.

"If it's successful we may start looking for centre number two in 2003," says Dave Swain, Boeing's chief technology officer. "This fits in with our vision of being a global company, which we're not at the moment. We're expanding how we think about R&D," he adds. Boeing also has a design centre in Moscow.

The centres will focus on "two or three technologies", with Madrid specialising in air traffic management and environmental technology. It will start with about 20 local scientists and engineers, although some of Boeing's US employees may work there on a rotational basis, says Swain.

Meanwhile, Swain says that Boeing's unsuccessful bid for the Joint Strike Fighter contract will reap enormous benefits for manufacturing and design throughout the company.

Source: Flight International