THE UK CONTENT in Boeing's Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST) fighter bid has reached 11% with the selection of GEC-Marconi as supplier of the aircraft's integrated flight and propulsion-control system.

GEC-Marconi will provide and integrate all the system hardware, including actuators and cockpit controls, for the demonstrator aircraft. The flight-control processor for the fly-by-wire based architecture will be supplied by GEC-owned Lear Astronics, and is identical to the unit used during powered tests of Boeing's 94%-scale JAST model.

GEC-Marconi joins UK-based suppliers Rolls-Royce, Messier-Dowty, Martin Baker and smaller unnamed UK companies on the Boeing effort. "We are still looking for more," says company JAST programme manager Mickey Michellich.

Michellich admits that having significant UK industry involvement in its bid is a political plus, but stresses: "They were all selected following a source selection and won fair and equal, based on the best value for the programme. We are very fortunate that it turned out to be the UK. Each won on its merits."

Michellich revealed the involvement of GEC-Marconi as Boeing prepared to send the first elements of its proposal to the US Department of Defense on 12 April. A further submission will be sent in mid-May, with the bulk of the proposal due on 14 June.

Source: Flight International