Boeing has revealed its vision of an integrated battlespace system and believes it is capable of handling such a task.

Boeing describes integrated battlespace as "a common network of interoperable platforms, providing a network-centric operation that enables continuous rapid decision-making".

Roger Roberts, vice president and general manager of Boeing's space and intelligence division of the newly-created Integrated Defense Systems organisation, says he believes Boeing has the breadth of capability and experience that "allows us to do a job like this".

Integrated battlespace will rely on very high-bandwidth communications, "anywhere, anytime, using any system", said Rogers. Today's conflicts require rapid provision of data and information, allowing quick decisions.

This means space, air, ground, underwater and sea systems operating with each other. Critical to this are reconnaissance and surveillance and eliminating the bandwidth issue by creating a network that provides a seamless operation.

Part of the system would be a secure, flexible high-bandwidth laser satellite fleet, cross-linking information. Various surveillance systems would "plug-and-play" into the satellite system.

Source: Flight Daily News