The Israeli air force has cancelled its much-vaunted space programme because of recent defence budget cuts. The move means that plans to develop and acquire micro-satellite capabilities and other highly classified space activities will be postponed indefinitely.

In a letter to Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, a group of Israeli space scientists and ex-air force commanders warn that a delay in the space programme may badly affect Israel's ability to detect "strategic threats".

The air force says it has been working on the space programme in recent years to allow it to "stretch the [threat detection] envelope". The work was based on evaluating the usefulness of micro- and nano-satellites and launching strategic reconnaissance and dedicated communication satellites.

The air force is not convinced the proposed micro-satellites being offered by Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) and Rafael are cost-effective, however. Rafael has proposed adapting its Black Sparrow air-launched target missile to launch satellites weighing up to 80kg (175lb) for communications, observation and electronic warfare missions.

The Black Sparrow was developed by Rafael for use in Israel's Arrow anti-tactical ballistic missile programme. It is based on the company's Popeye AGM-142 air-surface TV guided missile.

The MLM division of IAI has been studying the possible launch of micro-satellites from a Lockheed Martin C-130 and has offered a micro-satellite programme to the air force. The company manufactures the Shavit launcher and Offeq/Eros type low-Earth orbit satellites.

Source: Flight International