Good Week

Good Week - Alitalia
 © Alitalia
ALITALIA The eternal struggle to reform the unreformable has finally succeeded as the carrier, still called Alitalia but now owned by investor group Compagnia Aerea Italiana, formally secured its operating licences and air operator's certificate and launched services. The new Alitalia also won agreement for a new strategic partner in the form of Air France-KLM, which will take a 25% stake. Whether this new formula succeeds in turning a profit remains to be seen. Volare!

Bad Week

Bad Week -Embraer 
 © Embraer
EMBRAER The Brazilian airframer was forced to answer questions about whether production at its Chinese joint venture Harbin Embraer has actually ground to a halt after revelations that no ERJ-145 regional jets were delivered during the fourth quarter of 2008. Ten ERJ-145s of an original 50-strong order have already been delivered to Grand China Express, but, says executive vice- president Mauro Kern, production has "slowed" until a revised delivery schedule is agreed.

Source: Flight International