ALEX GLOCK Embraer's Asia-Pacific managing director hinted at a move into the mainline market when he told the Inside Air Finance conference in Hong Kong that the airframer may develop an aircraft larger than its regional jets. He stressed "entering a larger market without understanding what Airbus and Boeing are doing would be suicidal". Bankers could make or break such a programme, and rival Bombardier is enjoying early lease market success with its CSeries.
HAIM ROMANO The El Al chief executive looks to be on his way out after the Israeli flag carrier made a statement to the Tel Aviv stock exchange on "ending the tenure" of the man who took over in early 2005 and has presided over a 70% share price drop since the beginning of 2006. While El Al has not detailed the reasons for Romano's departure, Israeli media suggest a continual clash with unions is largely responsible. No successor has been identified.
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Swiss aircraft developer Pilatus has revealed an updated version of its PC-12 called the PC-12 Pro, an aircraft with new Garmin touchscreen avionics, auto-land capability, flight-control safety updates and a refreshed cabin.