Good week
© Pilatus |
PILATUS The Swiss turboprop maker enjoyed a record-breaking year for its PC-12NG, delivering 100 units of the single-engined business aircraft, up from 97 in 2008, 92 in 2007 and 90 in 2006. Vice-president Ignaz Gretener says the milestone was cause to celebrate: "This would be true in any year, but the fact we did it last year is simply outstanding." Business aviation may be suffering an image crisis, but the PC-12, says Gretener, is "powerful, yet responsible".
Bad week
© Quantum Air |
QUANTUM AIR The Spanish Boeing 717 operator previously known as AeBal suspended all its flights after a fierce dispute over debts erupted with former owner SAS Group. Quantum blames SAS for failing to meet obligations related to the sale. But SAS says Quantum is not generating enough cash to make the payments for an aircraft it still leases from SAS and is threatening legal action: "We are very sorry that the company has landed up in this position."
Source: Flight International