Good week

Let Aircraft L-410 
  © APG photo/
LET AIRCRAFT Russia's United Aircraft failed to seal a takeover last year, but president Alexei Fyodorov reckons this year could see a controlling-stake deal with Ural Mining and Metallurgical, which owns 51% of Let and has an option to acquire the rest. Of the Czech airframer, which makes the L-410 regional turboprop, Fyodorov says: "We'll be able to meet obligations regarding terms, quality and prices only if we manage to have a handle on its management."


Bad week

 © Rex Features
HUNGER Up to 100 million more people could go hungry if farmers swap food crops for fuel to meet European goals that at least 10% of road transport fuel should come from renewable sources within 10 years, according to anti-poverty charity ActionAid. The charity says the same issues would arise if aviation were to make a similar push for biofuels, as fuel feedstocks like algae are years from practical use and waste biomass is not always an efficient fuel feedstock.



Source: Flight International