Good week for...


The carbonfibre manufacturer has taken a step forward in its plan to increase production capacity to match growing demand for composites in aerospace, with the announcement that it has selected a site for a new facility in South Carolina, USA. Subject to final approvals, construction at the site is expected to begin in 2008, and the site is due to begin operating early in 2010. Cytec is investing around $150 million in the project. Cytec says the facility will create around 225 new jobs.


Doug Parker.

The US Airways chairman and chief executive has been forced to apologise to the airline's staff over an alleged drunk-driving incident. Parker was arrested on 31 January after being pulled over for speeding. In a letter to employees, Parker wrote: "I know that by virtue of my position at our airline, all of my actions, personal and public, have consequences for all of us... in this instance, my actions have not reflected well on US Airways and for that, I apologise."


Bad week for...

Quote of the week


 "It's not a secret that we didn't open bottles of champagne when it was announced."

Eurocopter chief executive Lutz Bertling on last year's UK defence industrial strategy, which saw rival agustawestland named as the country's preferred helicopter supplier.



Source: Flight International