"Think Canada" is the confident slogan that Canada's aerospace industry has adopted to highlight its strong presence at Farnborough.

The Canadian showcase, led by the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada and the Canadian Government, is at the heart of business networking events this week at the Canada Chalet (C17).

Canadian companies are global market leaders in regional aircraft, business jets and commercial helicopters. The continuing growth of the Canadian industry and the increasing opportunities for global partnerships from research and development, manufacturing and training to the supply of world-class systems has earned Canada its solid reputation.

Three federal ministers are playing a key role in the government/industry combined efforts – a "flying in formation" approach that has already impressed aerospace industry commentators.

Transport Minister David Collenette, International Trade Minister Pierre Pettigrew and Industry Minister Allan Rock will hold a series of meetings with key industry figures at Farnborough as well as meeting more than 60 Canadian companies represented at both the main Canadian stand and at individual company exhibits.

The federal government's goal is to move Canada from 15th to 5th place in aerospace research and development by 2010.

Source: Flight Daily News