The implementation of 8.33kHz channel-spacing in the core area of Europe will go ahead as planned next month, Eurocontrol nations and the user community decided on 22 September. The go-ahead comes as the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations (IFATCA) warns that the programme poses "very serious safety risks".

The mandatory carriage of 8.33kHz channel-spacing radios is due to be introduced above flight level 245.

IFATCA says that Eurocontrol's safety studies were based on 95% of aircraft being equipped, but the current rate is only around 60% and the projected rate for 7 October will be 88%. IFATCA believes that safety will be compromised by this level of non-equipped aircraft although Eurocontrol believes approximately 90% of aircraft will be equipped. The organisation is "very confident that there are no safety implications", and says it has evidence to support the claim. Non-8.33kHz-equipped aircraft will have to operate below FL245, and Eurocontrol acknowledges that delays for all traffic may increase for a limited period due to flow regulation in some heavily loaded sectors.

Source: Flight International