DAIMLER-BENZ Aerospace (DASA) is to begin work on the full Mod Block 1 upgrade of NATO's Boeing E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) fleet in February 1996.

The company is now carrying out a kit-proof upgrade, on the number two aircraft (N-2) of the Geilenkirchen-based AWACS fleet, at its military aircraft site in Manching.

This phase is designed to ensure that kit equipment and instructions are complete, and that DASA employees are familiar with them before the fleet-wide retrofit, which will upgrade all 18 NATO aircraft, begins.

The kit-proofing is overseen, by German-based Boeing crews. The Seattle-based manufacturer itself completed a trial installation to verify hardware and software upgrades on aircraft N-1 in March. This was followed by ground and flight testing, to confirm system-level integration and performance.

The modification programme includes the fitting of new colour displays, Have Quick UHF radios with secure anti-jam and NATO's Link 16 version of the US Air Force Joint Tactical Information Distribution System.

This last upgrade will increase the amount of information collected and distributed among other AWACS and Allied aircraft and ground stations.

A new electronic-support-measures system enabling the aircraft to detect, identify and track electronic surface transmissions is also to be fitted. DASA has constructed a new hangar at Manching to accommodate up to three AWACS aircraft at a time.

Source: Flight International