Company Period Net US$ mil Comp period Sales US$ mil % change

Air Canada Y Dec 31 109.3 45.2 3,578 9.0

Atlas Air Y Dec 31 37.8 17.8 316 84.3

Braathens Safe Y Dec 31 13.5 32.4 692 8.4

British Airways 3Q Dec 31 153.8 137.3 3,298 11.5

EVA Air Y Dec 31 17.1 7.5 1,282 17.5

KLM 3Q Dec 31 (4.1) 64.0 1,482 0.4

Korean Air Y Dec 31 (261.5) 137.0 4,552 4.1

Qantas H Dec 31 119.9 110.4 3,148 2.5

SAS Group Y Dec 31 270.6 368.9 5,246 5.7

British Aerospace Y Dec 31 482.0 217.8 10,083 11.3

Federal Airports Corp Y Jun 30 121.8 95.2 430 14.6

Rolls-Royce Y Dec 31 (68.6) 227.3 6,693 17.9

New crossborder routes helped boost international passenger revenues 22%. There was a US$94.6m gain from selling Continental shares.

Net profits more than doubled as the contract cargo operator increased block hours by 79% to 59,445 hours. Atlas Air operates 17 B747Fs.

Braathens' operating profit fell 10%, and an accounting change cost $28.6m. Transwede's results are consolidated from 1 October.

BA's yields fell 1.8%. Fuel price increases cost $92m but engineering costs were 9% lower and staff productivity was up 3.8%.

EVA Air's net profit more than doubled as the Taiwanese carrier's revenues leapt 22% in its second profitable year.

KLM's fuel costs rose by $48m, or 40%, while yield rose only 1%. The 1995 results included a $56m gain from revaluing Northwest shares.

Korean Air's sales rose 8.4% in won terms, while operating costs jumped 21.5%. But the falling won prompted a $109m currency loss.

Qantas achieved US$188m in cost savings, but fuel price rises cost US$40m and yields fell 7.3%, partly due to currency changes.

Currency swings hit SAS, forcing revenue down slightly in local currency terms and accounting for 23% of the $163m slide in operating profit.

Strong military sales helped to more than double BAe's net profit. Commercial operating losses fell to $122m from $186m in 1995.

The Australian airports operator boosted profits by 25% largely as a result of Sydney Airport's 32.5% operating profit increase to US$69m.

Rolls-Royce boosted operating profit 36% to $377m but its withdrawal from steam power generation led to a $387m exceptional charge.

Y = Year. H = Half. Q = Quarter. SAS profits pre-tax. Currencies are converted into US dollars at average exchange rates during the reporting period. Per cent changes in local currencies.

Source: Airline Business