Honeywell has signed a $1 billion contract with US low-cost carrier AirTran to supply avionics on new aircraft and provide maintenance for the airline’s entire fleet until 2030.

Under the agreement, Honeywell will supply AirTran with its full avionics portfolio for up to 150 new Boeing 737s. It will also provide maintenance services for all the Honeywell avionics, lighting and mechanical components, APU, wheels and brakes equipment on AirTran’s entire fleet of up to 250 aircraft.

The avionics suite includes Honeywell’s enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS), airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS II), weather radar and forward-looking windshear detection and solid state flight data recorders (FDR).
The package also includes Honeywell’s new flight data acquisition and management system (FDAMS).

Mike Madsen, Honeywell vice president of airlines, says: “Honeywell’s extended agreement will help AirTran monitor and reduce their maintenance costs and continue to advance their very competitive industry position.”

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Source: Flight Daily News