Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) and Dubai Airports have signed a memorandum of understanding to look at the benefits of forming a strategic long-term partnership.

Dubai Aerospace Enterprise is a global aerospace, manufacturing and services corporation, while Dubai Airports oversees the management of Dubai International and the upcoming Al Maktoum International at Dubai World Central.

DAE CEO Bob Johnson, says: “Under this agreement DAE will play a key role in the nation’s airport development. We will look to yield best results for Dubai Airports and will develop a blueprint and master case for future national and international projects.

Bob Johnson and Paul Griffiths
Bob Johnson and Paul Griffiths 

“DAE is an emerging force in the global aerospace industry. This relationship will provide us with the necessary credentials and resources to pursue international airport development in the Middle East, China, the Indian sub-continent and North Africa.”
Under today’s agreement, DAE and Dubai Airports will form a joint steering committee to oversee a number of projects where the companies can explore opportunities for long-term strategic collaboration.

Paul Griffiths, CEO, Dubai Airports says: “Dubai Airports and DAE represent two very important segments of Dubai’s aviation and aerospace sectors. As such, this strategic long-term partnership translates into huge benefits for Dubai’s economy and its aviation and aerospace sectors in general, and the two organisations in particular.”

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Source: Flight Daily News