Airbus's A380 demonstrator arrived for the show carrying 8t of humanitarian aid that will be used to boost crucial stocks at Action Against Hunger's hub in Dubai.

The delivery flight's payload of water purification equipment was organised by Airbus's non-commercial Corporate Foundation arm.

Airbus boss Tom Enders, who also heads the Airbus Corporate Foundation, says: "Thanks to all our partners, the Airbus Corporate Foundation has been able to support Action Against Hunger by transporting vital emergency sanitation equipment to one of the key storage hubs. We hope this to be the start of a long-term partnership between both our organisations."

A380 humanitarian mission 
 © Billypix

Founded in France in 1979, Action Against Hunger is a leading humanitarian organisation combating hunger and malnutrition worldwide. The stocks at its Dubai base are being increased to capitalise on the emirate's strategic location for responses to emergency situations elsewhere.

"More than one billion people worldwide lack access to clean drinking water and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation," says Erland Egiziano, logistics director for Action Against Hunger.

Airbus established its Corporate Foundation arm a year ago to support humanitarian causes through goodwill flights, youth development in the communities in which it operates, and environmental issues in co-operation with the United Nations Environment Programme's Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Source: Flight Daily News
