Dubai Air Show's planned move to its new location at the Dubai World Central complex at Jebel Ali has been postponed.

Sources at show organising company Fairs & Exhibitions (F&E) say the site is on schedule to be ready for the handover to F&E by August this year, but "due to the current global economic climate, certain other related construction projects in Dubai and additional infrastructural works being carried out in the close vicinity of DWC, it may not now be ready in time".

This has prompted the Dubai government's decision for the show to remain at its current home at the Airport Expo centre alongside Dubai's International Airport.

F&E's aerospace director, Alison Weller, says: "The Dubai government is reluctant to allow the airshow to be held anywhere other than the high-standard, world-class facilities that the show is well-known for. Its continued commitment to the Dubai Airshow is evidenced by this decision."

Land previously used by the Dubai Airshow at Airport Expo has already been taken up by hangar and terminal expansion but F&E believe that the Dubai Civil Aviation authority (DCA) is developing expansion plans at the current site that will ensure the Dubai Airshow can maintain its position as the world's third largest business to business aviation event after Paris and Farnborough.

The show is due to take place from 15-19 November.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news