"Intelligent" European charter operators should look to Africa for potential growth, despite the gradual recovery of their home market.

George Galanopoulos, managing director of London Executive Aviation, said that a "smart and flexible approach" to attracting new business had allowed it to offset continued sluggish growth in Europe,

Galanopoulos said: "Right now, we are seeing some of our clearest business opportunities in north Africa. Both for economic and political reasons, there is growing demand in the region.

"While we have operated aircraft to north Africa for many years, our current level of activity there marks a significant expansion of LEA's operating footprint."

A typical flight for one of its aircraft, he said, might be from London to Freetown, Sierra Leone then on to Monrovia, Liberia and back to London, over a four-day period.

Galanopoulos expects European charter demand to maintain gradual growth in 2011 and to gather pace in 2012.

Source: Flight Daily News