Brazilian company feels further strain as Swiss negotiates switch from 195s to 190s

Embraer has delayed introduction of the Embraer 175 to 2005 after failing to secure any orders and could lose its only customer for the largest model, the 195, as Swiss International Air Lines negotiates a switch to the smaller 190.

The Brazilian manufacturer, which expects to start Embraer 170 deliveries this month, is poised to launch the 18-month flight-test programme for the 190 by March, following the roll-out last week of the first aircraft at its plant in São José dos Campos. The forthcoming test programme, along with the lack of a customer for the 78-seat 175, has prompted Embraer to redeploy its testing resources.

The 175 variant was unveiled at the 170 roll-out in October 2001, with deliveries due to start in July 2004. In July 2002 India's Jet Airways announced a deal for up to 20 175s, but this has not been confirmed. US Airways was expected to convert some of the 85 170s on order to 175s for delivery in 2004, but the deadline for the airline's decision to take 175s passed in the second half of this year.

Flight testing of the 175 began in June last year and the two aircraft involved in the 250h test programme have accumulated a combined total of around 100h. "Certification was scheduled for mid-2004, but we've decided to re-optimise the campaign due to changes in market conditions and we've pushed it back to the fourth quarter," says Embraer senior vice- president engineering and new product development Luis Carlos Affonso. "We could deliver 175s in the first half of 2005," he says, adding that US Airways still has the option to take 175s next year. "We need about six months' notice to switch an order from the 170 to the 175," says Affonso.

Meanwhile Swiss, which has already cut the size of its 170/195 order, says it is discussing with Embraer a switch of its 15 195s to the 190s as part of wider negotiations to delay its 170 order. "Nothing is finalised yet," it says.

Deliveries of the 170 should start this month to US Airways and LOT Polish Airlines following receipt of the much-delayed certification, which is due this week. Eleven aircraft are ready for immediate delivery, with Alitalia Express due to receive its first aircraft next month and 60 170s due to be delivered this year. Production will reach eight a month in 2005.

Source: Flight International