EADS and Airbus have condemned the publication of purported extracts from an investigation report which identify 17 individuals whose share dealings are the subject of examination by the French stock market regulator.

The regulator, Autorite des Marches Financiers, alleged earlier this month that EADS had failed to comply with market obligations and that certain individuals with privileged information had acted improperly.

AMF did not name anyone in its statement. But a French media outlet has published a document which, it says, is part of the regulator’s report, containing the names of 17 individuals.

Airbus chief Tom Enders and chief operating officer for customers John Leahy are cited in widespread reports today as rejecting any suggestion of improper behaviour by the companies’ executives.

Enders insists he has “committed no wrongdoing” and describes the leaking of the report as “shocking and unacceptable” while Leahy claims: “The whole investigation has been conducted by people who know nothing about our business, know nothing about our industry and are driven by conspiracy theories.”

Airbus says it has not examined the AMF document and will not comment on its contents in the meantime.

EADS has already expressed dismay at the publication of the report, which it says should have remained confidential, adding: “EADS is not only surprised but really shocked to see how this is contrary to legal procedures and how the rights of defence are simply ignored.”

Source: FlightGlobal.com