Engines – Page 615

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    China Yunnan 767s replace 757 order


    CHINA YUNNAN Airlines' recently announced order for three Rolls-Royce RB.211-524H-powered Boeing 767-300s (Flight International, 18-24 January) replaces a previously unannounced order for three 757-200s. The Kunming-based carrier had been scheduled to receive three 757s from state-owned China Aviation Supplies (CASC). The aircraft are among 13 RB.211-535-powered 757s originally ...

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    Snecma makes cost cuts to combat losses


    Gilbert Sedbon/PARIS SNECMA HAS embarked on a new cost-cutting plan, including further job losses, in the face of mounting losses at the French state-owned engine maker. "We're still in a deep crisis which is expected to last for another two or three years," said new chairman ...

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    Entertainment problem hits delivery of Cathay's A330


    DELIVERY OF the first Rolls-Royce Trent 700-powered Airbus A330 to Cathay Pacific Airways has been delayed by problems with the aircraft's Matsushita inflight-entertainment (IFE) system. Cathay was due to accept the aircraft in mid-January, but that has slipped to 23 February because of "teething problems with the Matsushita ...

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    P&W and MTU name engine project chiefs


    PRATT & WHITNEY and MTU have named former PW4084 programme manager Tom Davenport as head of the new Mid Thrust Family Engine (MTFE) project, marking the formal start of the joint initiative. MTU's Rainer Schwab has also been named deputy manager of the project, which aims to design ...

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    Pilots to influence flight-time limits?


    Sir - On flight-time limitations, you say ("Duty bound", Flight International, 14-20 December, P32) that: "The International Federation of Airline Pilots' Associations (IFALPA) is convinced that the proposed European rules are dangerous..." It is entirely legitimate that professional bodies should say and do whatever they can to further ...

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    Comparison means objectivity


    Sir - The letters from Capt John Lewis and D R MacDonald (Flight International, 21 December-3 January, P46) include some emotive comments and inaccuracies. Safety is Airbus Industrie's top priority - as I am sure that it is with other manufacturers - and we welcome objective discussion on ...

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    Snecma to lead CFM56-XX development programme


    Julian Moxon/PARIS FRENCH ENGINE manufacturer Snecma and its CFM International partner General Electric expect to agree by the end of the year to launch the CFM56-XX turbofan for the growth Airbus A340 variant and other Airbus and Boeing derivatives. New Snecma president Bernard Dufour has made ...

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    Snecma-Mikoyan deal


    French engine manufacturer Snecma is hoping to conclude a licence-production agreement with Mikoyan in the next few weeks, according to Snecma chairman Bernard Dufour. The two companies have been involved in prolonged negotiations about a licensing agreement covering the Snecma-Turbomeca Larzac 04-R20 engine for Mikoyan's MiG-AT jet trainer. ...

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    EC.135 heads for Heli-Expo


    FRANCO-GERMAN MANUFACTURER Eurocopter is to display the third pre-production EC.135 powered by Turbom‚ca Arrius 2B turboshafts at the forthcoming Heli-Expo '95 show in Las Vegas. Eurocopter has flown the type for more than 150h, achieving a service ceiling of 20,000ft (6,100m), cruising at up to 140kt (260km/h), diving at 160kt, ...

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    Rolls-Royce cuts


    Rolls-Royce is to shed 600 jobs from the aerospace engineering operation at East Kilbride, UK, leaving 1,000 workers. The site will focus on repair, as design work moves to the firm's Derby and Bristol, UK sites. Source: Flight International

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    Too close for comfort


    The TCAS 2 mandate is being met as the FAA pushes the TCAS 1. Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC For the past year, all civil airliners with more than 30 seats operating in or into the USA have been equipped with the traffic-alert and collision-avoidance system (TCAS). ...

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    FAA acts on PW2000 icing in Boeing 757


    US OPERATORS of Pratt & Whitney-powered Boeing 757s are being required to perform engine run-ups in cold weather to remove ice which may form in the compressor. The US Federal Aviation Administration has issued an emergency airworthiness-directive (AD) following incidents in which ice broke loose from low-pressure-compressor stators ...

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    Re-engined Il-86s return to agenda


    FIVE RUSSIAN airlines have confirmed renewed interest in re-engineing their Ilyushin Il-86s with CFM56 turbofans. According to Il-86 chief designer Igor Katyrev, the five responded to a business proposal from Ilyushin, pointing out the advantages of replacing the Kuznetsov NK-86s with the CFM56s. The Western powerplants, ...

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    LTS101 directive


    The US Federal Aviation Administration proposes an airworthiness directive to enforce a 1988 service bulletin from Textron Lycoming requiring cast axial-compressor rotors in LTS101 turboshafts and LTP101 turboprops to be replaced with improved machined wrought rotors. Source: Flight International

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    Pentagon awards more JAST work


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC THE US DEFENCE department's Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST) programme office has handed out 24 contracts, worth $140 million, for concept definition and design research. No foreign firms were on the list, but the Pentagon says that it wants to open up the project. ...

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    PW4084-powered 777 undergoes service-ready tests


    BOEING BEGAN a 1,000-flight service-ready testing programme of the Pratt & Whitney PW4084-powered 777 on 29 December 1994, almost two months later than hoped. It says that cyclic testing is going better than expected, however. Approval for extended-range twin-engine operations (ETOPS) with the 777 when the twinjet enters ...

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    Duty times are no threat


    Sir - In "Duty bound" (Flight International, 14-20 December, 1994, P32) you say that "...IFALPA [International Federation of Airline Pilots' Associations] is convinced that the proposed European rules are dangerous". It is a nonsense for pilot unions to pretend to be prepared to leave decisions to the Aeromedical ...

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    Power For ILFC


    International Lease Finance (ILFC) has chosen General Electric/Snecma CFM56-5A/Bs, worth more than $300 million, to power 23 firm and nine optioned Airbus A319s, A320s and A321s (Flight International, 4-10 January). The remaining seven firm and one optioned Airbus will be powered by IAE's V2500. Source: Flight International

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    ANA, the 777...and Rolls-Royce


    To listen to British Airways and Boeing describe the "working-together" programme, in which the manufacturer invited an unprecedented degree of customer involvement in the design of its 777, is to hear a remarkable tale indeed; one of serendipity of requirements and almost supernatural harmony between the participants. The concept worked, ...

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    SIA signs deal for new A340 fleet


    SINGAPORE AIRLINES (SIA) has signed a contract confirming its previously announced order for ten Airbus Industrie A340-300E long-haul passenger aircraft and 20 options. SIA announced in June 1994 its intention to buy up to 30 A340s, worth a total of $5.4 billion (Flight International, 29 June-5 July 1994). ...