Steve Nichols/DUBAI

Marconi (E665) is displaying its Eurofighter Typhoon Helmet Mounted Display system, fresh from recent gruelling proving tests.

This summer the helmet was flown for the first time in the rear seat of the two-seat Eurofighter Typhoon DA4. The flight included operation at high g and at high roll rates. Initial results are very encouraging confirming the positive comments of the test pilot noted during testing.

The company is developing a new design of Basic Mechanical Helmet (BMH) with Gentex that will enter service with Eurofighter Typhoon in 2002.

The BMH is a two-part helmet made up of an inner helmet (custom fitted to the pilot) an outer helmet assembly (which incorporates the visor assemblies) and a lightweight oxygen mask.

The BMH provides a high standard of protection similar to that provided by a standard aircrew helmet and also forms the basis of the full display helmet which will incorporate a full binocular helmet display and detachable night vision cameras.

The fully functional display helmet system is due to enter service on Eurofighter in October 2005.

Testing has also included a 600kt ejection test at Martin Baker's Langford Lodge site in Northern Ireland.

The Eurofighter Typhoon BMH was fitted to a mannequin and installed in a Martin Baker Mk.16 ejection seat mounted on a rocket propelled sled.

It successfully survived the high-speed ejection with no structural damage.

The Eurofighter Head Equipment Assembly (HEA) comprises the aircrew helmet and all the sub-system elements needed to display a real world overlaid picture on the helmet visor.

Aircraft systems provide target and flight information which HEA can combine with its in-built night vision enhanced outside world image and project them together on to the helmet display visor, exactly overlaying the aircrew's outside world view.

Source: Flight Daily News