Hogan to leave Gulf Air

In an announcement that has surprised few in the industry, Gulf Air has announced the "planned departure" of president and chief executive James Hogan. The experienced airline boss, who formerly held senior roles at bmi and Ansett Australia, was brought in to restructure and resurrect the ailing Gulf carrier in May 2002.

With this phase of the job virtually completed, it is a natural point for Hogan to seek a new challenge. He will leave by the end of the year, or possibly earlier if a replacement is found, following completion of the Project Falcon turnaround programme and the implementation of the airline's new strategic plan, "Smart Airline, Successful Business".

The airline says it expects to appoint a new chief executive before Hogan's departure, allowing for a smooth leadership transition. Hogan is assisting the board on finding his replacement, which is most likely to be another experienced airline chief executive, probably from a European carrier.

Hogan is leaving Gulf Air with a stable financial position, despite the carrier's change in ownership that has seen both Qatar and Abu Dhabi pull out leaving Bahrain and Oman as the main shareholders. Gulf Air says he has cut the airline's losses and returned it to profit. Through Project Falcon he led a re-branding of the airline and also launched services including its Gulf Traveller economy-only carrier, Sky Chefs and Sky Nannies.

With his good track record Hogan is expected to find a new airline position quickly. "James Hogan will land on his feet somewhere - he has strong international experience at chief executive level," said one industry source.

Abdul Aziz Jassim Kanoo, chairman of the board of directors of Gulf Air, said: "On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank James Hogan for the strong and decisive leadership he has shown over the last four years, helping Gulf Air to return to its rightful place as one of the world's leading airline brands. His vision and commitment have been exemplary."

Source: Airline Business