Jansson to head SAS

Following the departure in August of Jorgen Lindegaard after five years leading the SAS Group, Mats Jansson has been named as his successor, stepping into the role in January.

Jansson, 54, was previously president and chief executive of Swedish consumer goods distributor Axel Johnson and has over 12 years experience in the role with a variety of major companies in the region, including Catgena/Billa, Fazer and Axfood. He studied economics and sociology at the University of Örebro.

"Mats Jansson is accustomed to working in sectors characterised by major changes," says Egil Myklebust, chairman of the SAS board of directors.

"Both the airline industry and SAS still need to undergo changes. In the increasingly tough competition, SAS and its flight operations have strong growth potential," says Jansson.

Since August SAS Group has been led by deputy chief Gunnar Reitan pending the new appointment.

Source: Airline Business
