Business aviation has been granted a 60-day extension to comment on the US Federal Aviation Administration's notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on extended range multi-engine operations (ETOPS). The rule would prevent any chartered business jets - except appropriately equipped aircraft - flying further than 180min from a usable diversion airport, says the US National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). "The extension is good for the business aviation community, giving us additional time to complete a thorough review of the rule and its impact on FAR Part 135 operators," NBAA says.
The NPRM, which extends ETOPS for the first time to 135 operators and to trijets, will affect operators of older business jets with an inadequate single-engine range, the industry fears (Flight International 25 November-1 December 2003). ETOPS-equipped aircraft may fly 240min from diversion airfields, so there is virtually no route they may not fly. ETOPS rules will probably affect fractional ownership operators as the industry strives to equate Part 135 with Part 91 Subpart K operations, governing fractionals.
Source: Flight International