FlightBlogger author Jon Ostrower will be providing comprehensive coverage of the 2008 Farnborough Show.

Since he joined the Flight team in November 2007, Ostrower has broken several major stories that have impacted the industry. The site itself has received more than 1,000,000 hits in just nine months.

Using hand-held wireless technology, Ostrower is able to cut the distribution time of news, information and multimedia resources to almost zero. He will be live-blogging key press conferences, briefings and announcements throughout the week providing an up-to-the-second viewpoint of the show.

Using a blog as a platform for covering the show allows for access to otherwise unseen aspects of the enormous show. “What makes blogging an important journalistic tool is the ability to interact directly with readers. They are constantly challenging and pushing me to get deeper into a story to ask a tough question, or get an angle of viewpoint that just wouldn’t be possible with a traditional medium,” says Ostrower.


Using web 2.0 tools such as Twitter, Ostrower will be able to cover events live online using short 140-character messages that are posted instantly to the blog. Mobile updates can be sent directly by SMS if a computer is not handy to keep on top of the show.

Earlier this year, Ostrower used these tools to become the first digital journalist to liveblog a briefing and factory tour at the site of a major Boeing 787 supplier. The blog will be updated with comprehensive pieces throughout the show, featuring major interviews with industry players and breaking news. The digital medium also enables FlightBlogger to deliver photos instantly to the online community.

Flight will have other journalists covering the show through their blogs. Steve Trimble, who serves as Managing Editor for the Americas, authors the popular TheDEWline blog for the defence sector. Trimble will be using the same techniques to cover the show as well.

Follow FlightBlogger and sign up for mobile updates at www.flightglobal.com/flightblogger


Source: Flight International