The all-white prototype of the V-bomber named after the Roman god of fire made its display debut at the 1952 show less than 72h after its maiden flight – a feat unheard of in the modern era. From that moment, the Vulcan won the hearts of air show crowds.

It should do so again today.

“It will be a gentle display as we are limited to 1.55g and we also don’t want to over-stretch the engines,” says VTST operations manager and former Vulcan pilot Mike Pollitt.

“The display is performed at heights of between 500ft and 900ft, and speeds of 135kt and 180kt,” says Pollitt. “We’ll be operating at a take-off weight of 140,000lb - including 39,000lb of fuel. At the end of the display we’ll do a power-climb to let the crowd hear the distinctive howl of the Vulcan’s four Olympus engines.”

At the controls for the Farnborough display are ex-RAF Vulcan pilots Martin Withers and Al McDicken, while Barry Masefield will be “down the back” performing the air electronics officer role.

 Vulcan - Mike Pollitt

The future for XH558 after Farnborough is funding dependent, and VTST is searching for a large commercial sponsor to help with the annual operating costs, which exceed £1m.

Pollitt says the aim is to fly the Vulcan at this year’s Dunsfold, Leuchars and Jersey air shows, as well as some of the “summer sea-side” events. Show visitors can do their bit to help keep the “tin triangle” airborne by dropping in at the aircraft in the static park and throwing any loose change in the VTST’s direction. And VTST would love to hear from you if you’ve got even more to spend!

Source: Flight International