Company Period Net US$ mil Comp period Sales US$ mil % change

Cathay Pacific Y Dec 31 492.5 385.0 4,187 6.3

China Airlines* Y Dec 31 46.6 45.0 1,887 5.9

CrossairY Dec 31 18.6 14.8 597 51.7

IcelandairY Dec 31 10.0 9.8 321 23.2

SabenaY Dec 31 (286.4) (56.3) 1,958 -2.8

TWAY Dec 31 (321.2) (227.5) 3,554 7.2

VarigY Dec 31 (60.4) (7.9) 2,963 -23.4

Volga-Dnepr Airlines Y Dec 31 -- 111 27.0

Aéroports de Paris Y Dec 31 80.2 69.2 1,408 1.3

Aìrospatiale Y Dec 31 158.7 (196.8) 9,951 3.6

Flughafen Munchen Y Dec 31 0.0 (43.3) 538 4.1

Singapore Technologies AerospaceY Dec 31 19.7 (34.1) 371 9.5

Cathay's operating profit rose only marginally to US$490m, but a $70m gain from selling Dragonair shares pushed Cathay's net up.

China Airlines' profits were flat againt a 6% rise in the carrier's revenue.

Revenue leapt up by more than half as Crossair assimilated Swissair's 100-seater scheduled flights and Balair/CTA's short-haul charters.

Icelandair's profit improved slightly as turnover jumped 23%. Passenger numbers rose 13% to 1.28m and cargo tonnage rose 16%.

The airline suffered a $131m operating loss and there were $132m of extraordinary expenses covering strikes and fleet provisions.

TWA was hit by overexpansion and the Flight 800 disaster, plus a charge of $86m mainly for L.1011 and B747 retirements and the write-down of its New York-Athens route authority.

Varig's loss widened significantly under corporate law, but the airline made an $86.5m profit after adjusting for 10% inflation.

The Russian cargo carrier does not release net results, but a 13% traffic increase to 45,100 tons helped boost revenue by 27%.

Passenger traffic through the Paris airports rose 7.4%, but freight and mail only grew 1.7%. Investments reached $370m.

Aérospatiale took $7.5b of aircraft orders, more than twice the 1995 figure. The company's 1995 results included $280m of restructuring.

Munich Airport's passenger traffic rose 6% to 15.7m but its break-even result comes only after $25m of real estate sales.

Commercial revenue rose 24% as maintenance man-hour costs firmed and the company secured contracts from FedEx and Northwest.

Y = Year. * = Pretax profit. Currencies are converted into US dollars at average exchange rates during the reporting period. Per cent changes in local currencies.

Source: Airline Business