Boeing's first 787 -- Dreamliner One -- is tentatively scheduled to pass the power-on milestone in late January and be flight-ready by late February, affiliate Flightblogger reports.

"Word from the factory floor confirms this time frame is on target with expectations," says the report, published by Flightblogger editor Jon Ostrower.

A Boeing spokeswoman responds: "We have not talked about specific milestones yet on our way to first flight, which we anticipate to happen around the end of first quarter 2008. [Newly-appointed 787 VP and general manager] Pat Shanahan will give a comprehensive update on the program in early December."

In mid-October, Boeing delayed first flight of the 787 from mid-November to the first quarter of 2008 and first delivery from May 2008 to late-November to late-December 2008. The cause of the delays was attributed to a supply chain shortages and the amount of travelled work on the first airframe.

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