Voting is now open for the 2011 Flightglobal Achievement Awards.

The Flightglobal Achievement Awards, now in its third year, celebrates and acknowledges individuals, teams and innovations at work in the aviation and aerospace industries.

This is your chance to vote for your heroes of the past 12 months in four categories ― Leader of the Year, Aviator of the Year and Innovator of the Year and for Lifetime Achievement.

The Flightglobal Achievement Awards are awarded to the aviation or aerospace industry executive who has displayed exemplary business vision and inspirational leadership throughout the year.

Previous winners have included British Airways chief executive Willie Walsh, Bob Mitchell, vice-president of Northrop Grumman's Aerospace Systems and the "father of the bBeing 747, Joe Sutter.

Voting closes on 19 September and winners will be announced during the Dubai Air Show.

More information on the Awards and voting:
