Women in Corporate Aviation (WCA) today presented Texan Alison Chambers with a scholarship to help her pursue her aviation career. WCA is a group of aviation professionals who promote career opportunities in business aviation to both women and men.

Karin Proctor

As a child Chambers regularly flew with her father, an ex-air force flight instructor. His unexpected death prompted her to change careers from computer science to corporate aviation. She took a 60% salary cut, paying for all her ratings with a variety of aviation-related jobs. Now a first officer for Global Aviation, she says: “I still have to pinch myself when I look back at the past six years. I wouldn’t live a minute of it differently if I had the opportunity to do so. My only regret is that I made the decision to follow my dreams after my dad was gone. I feel certain that he’s aware of how my life has turned out… and is proud.” She intends to use the scholarship towards her flying instructor certificate.

Source: Flight Daily News