All General aviation articles – Page 638

  • News

    China offers no guarantee


    The Civil Aviation Administration of China has signalled an expansion of operating leasing in China by ordering airlines to cease providing lessors with a Bank of China guarantee. However, future growth may be limited to lessors willing to accept unguaranteed deals and carriers which can prove their own financial health. ...

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    High risk business


    The risks associated with flying are obvious, but airline managers face hefty business risks, too. Colin Smith says risk management should be a board responsibility and asks whether airline directors can afford the risks they are running. Risk in the aviation industry is most commonly associated with threat to ...

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    DOT bridges policy void


    Pre-election sensitivities have frozen US aviation initiatives by legislators, leaving policy-making in the hands of Washington regulators. The reluctance of Congress to tackle tough issues is typified by its unwillingness to extend the recently reinstated airline ticket tax past its end-of-year expiry. Before adjourning for the ...

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    Team works at Alitalia


    Alitalia is squaring up to its impending scrutiny by the European Commission with the launch of its low-cost operation, Alitalia Team. But the carrier remains dogged by allegations of predatory pricing and collusion on slots. Brussels opened an investigation into the airline's planned 3,000 billion lire (US$2 billion) ...

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    Raytheon raises turboprop output rates


    Raytheon Aircraft says that deliveries of turboprop aircraft increased in the third quarter, and it expects full-year shipments of all aircraft types to exceed its 1995 total of 409. Deliveries of 16 Beech King Airs and one Beech Starship took business-turboprop shipments for the first nine months to ...

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    WAAS negotiations


    Hughes Aircraft expects to complete negotiations with the US Federal Aviation Administration on a wide area augmentation system (WAAS) contract before the current "bridge" contract expires. The firm received the short-term contract in May when the FAA dropped Wilcox Electric as the WAAS prime contractor and substituted Hughes Aircraft - ...

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    White knight rides in for Kiwi


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC Kiwi International Airlines, facing permanent shutdown of scheduled passenger services after filing for bankruptcy-court protection, has been rescued by Wasatach International, a Florida-based investment concern. The low-fare US carrier, which filed for Chapter 11, on 30 September and forced to suspend, scheduled ...

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    Lancair plans spin tests of four-seater


    Lancair International is preparing to begin spin tests of its four-seat LC-40, which it plans to display for the first time at the Oshkosh show in 1997. The spin tests are part of the certification effort, which Oregon-based Lancair hopes to complete by the end of the first ...

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    Four-seat Katana plan


    Diamond Aircraft hopes to fly a four-seat derivative of its popular Katana DA20 "within 36 months", says the Canadian-based company. A second line is already being built to meet demand at the London, Ontario factory. The company says that it has around 280 orders, and production for the rest of ...

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    Key free-flight tool evaluated


    Evaluation of a conflict probe which, promises to be a key element of the future US "free-flight" air-traffic-management system is under way at Indianapolis. The prototype conflict probe, named the user-requirement evaluation tool (URET), has been developed for the US Federal Aviation Administration by Mitre's Center for Advanced Aviation System ...

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    Mooney makes plans for Encore


    Mooney Aircraft plans to introduce in 1997 a new, high-performance, turbo-inter-cooled four-seater, called the Encore. The company believes that the Encore will fill a void caused by the withdrawal of its 252TSE, or M20K. It is effectively the same aircraft, with a slightly more powerful engine and three-bladed McCauley propeller. ...

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    Serco acquires


    Aeronautical Visual Aids has been acquired by Serco Aviation Services, forming Serco-AVAL, based at Liverpool Airport in the UK. The company provides design, installation and maintenance services for airfield ground-lighting systems, and associated navigational aids and electrical systems.   Source: Flight International

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    Cirrus makes revision to SR20 wing design to improve safety


    Cirrus Design has made a revision to the wing design of its SR20 four-seater, to lower stall speeds and help improve lateral control up to and throughout stall conditions. President Alan Klapmeier says that the move is aimed to make "dramatic" improvements in general-aviation (GA) safety. The ...

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    K-C completion


    K-C Aviation has completed the interior installation of its first Canadair Challenger 604. The aircraft, which is owned and operated by FMC, was completed within 18 weeks. K-C Aviation has six more Challenger 604s in completion, which are scheduled for delivery in 1997.     Source: ...

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    FAA uses Cessna in 'free-flight'


    DEMONSTRATIONS of "free flight" for general-aviation aircraft are now under way as part of a larger evaluation of the USA's future air-traffic-management concept. The trials involve a Cessna 401, equipped with avionics supplied by Magellan Systems and Arinc, and a ground-based free-flight evaluation system which was developed ...

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    DE HAVILLAND DASH 8 Six Dash 8M aircraft operate with the Canadian Armed Forces. Two operate as CC-142 transports and four as CT-142 navigation trainers. Two Dash 8Ms are operated on behalf of the USAF as the E-9A for missile range control on the Gulf of Mexico missile ...

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    Airtech (CASA/ITPN)


    Brunei finally detailed its avionics equipment for its three maritime-patrol CN-235s in October 1996, with the radar competition being won by Texas Instruments. Pakistan is also emerging as a potential customer for a maritime-patrol variant of the aircraft. The CN-235 is being offered to South Korea to meet an air ...

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    TAM 'aid' comes under fire-


    Brian Homewood/RIO de JANIERO BRAZIL'S THREE national airlines, Varig, Vasp and Transbrasil, have asked the Government to abolish a tax which they say effectively forces them to subsidise one of their main rivals. The airlines pay 3% of the value of each ticket sold into ...

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    MD-90 receives European certification


    Guy Norris/LOS ANGELES THE McDONNELL Douglas (MDC) MD-90 was certificated by the European Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) on 16 October, as Scandinavian carrier SAS took delivery of its first aircraft. Type certification was formally presented by the JAA to MDC just before the SAS delivery ceremony. ...

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    Age-60 ruling


    A federal appeals court panel will rule within a few months whether the US Federal Aviation Administration can continue to bar pilots of over 60 years from commanding US commercial passenger aircraft.   Source: Flight International