All General aviation articles – Page 655

  • News

    Why a precision approach is safer


    Sir - There are parts of the world where it is impossible to install a precision approach (Flight International, 6-12 March, P5 and 20-26 March, P100) because it does not meet International Civil Aviation Organisation standards, so a non-precision approach is used, in most cases without terminal-approach radar at the ...

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    JAA set to overturn night-time single-engine aircraft ban


    Julian Moxon/BRUSSELS THE EUROPEAN Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) has "tentatively agreed" to overturn its previous position of banning the operation of single-engined turbine-powered aircraft commercially in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) and at night. Pilatus Aircraft and Aerospatiale's Socata subsidiary, respectively manufacturers of the PC-12 and ...

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    German Government advisors push for domestic fuel tax


    GERMANY'S Government-appointed environmental advisory panel has recommended a tax on aviation fuel on domestic routes. It is estimated that a kerosene tax equivalent to that already paid on diesel fuel would raise the cost of flying in Germany by 20%. In the long term, Ewers supports a tax ...

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    Extra flies EA 400 tourer


    GERMAN manufacturer, Extra Flugzeugbau has flown its all-composite, EA 400 tourer for the first time. The first flight took place on 4 April at Extra's Dinslaken base, with company managing director Walter Extra at the controls. The company says that the first impressions of the aircraft's handling were ...

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    PC-12 receives cold soak


    PILATUS AIRCRAFT is hoping to pick up Canadian sales of its PC-12 single-turboprop utility aircraft, following the completion of low-temperature operational tests in the UK. The two-day cold soak was carried-out at the UK Defence Test and Evaluation Organisation's environmental chamber at Boscombe Down, and was observed by representatives from ...

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    Ilyushin gets Russian approval for Il-103


    ILYUSHIN HAS received Russian certification for its Il-103 four-seat light aircraft. US certification of the aircraft, powered by a Teledyne Continental engine driving a Hartzell propeller, is expected this month. This would make the Il-103 the first Russian aircraft to receive US certification. Ilyushin forecasts a Russian market ...

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    Seminole registration


    New Piper Aircraft has delivered two Seminole piston twins to Sault College, Ontario, Canada, for advanced flight-training. The college's first twins are the first Seminoles registered in Canada since 1980.   Source: Flight International

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    Pilot worries


    Not enough of it, sometimes too much of it - pilots remain concerned about technology. Harry Hopkins/DUBLIN AIRLINE PILOTS have issued strong warnings about the premature use of new technology in air-traffic operations, but the absence of technology troubles them as well, it emerged at the annual ...

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    NetJets maintenance


    Raytheon Aircraft Services' network of US fixed-base operations is to provide all aircraft and avionics maintenance for 17 Hawker 1000s operated by Executive Jet Aviation under its NetJets shared-ownership scheme. Source: Flight International

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    GlaStar heads for Berlin


    STODDARD-HAMILTON Aircraft plans to display the GlaStar two-seat kitplane outside the USA for the first time at the ILA show in Berlin, Germany, in mid-May. The 860kg aircraft will be flown across the Atlantic via Greenland, an estimated 40h trip, and will be demonstrated in Europe before being returned to ...

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    E-Systems awarded place on Premier I


    RAYTHEON AIRCRAFT has selected its sister company E-Systems as integrator of the flight-control system for the new Premier I business jet. E-Systems' Montek division will also manufacture the spoiler actuation system and spoiler/flap electronic control-unit. E-Systems' responsibility includes integration of the Dowty supplied landing-gear and door actuators and ...

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    US general aviation targets new pilots


    Karen Walker/TAMPA A campaign is to be launched to accelerate the revitalisation of the US general-aviation (GA) industry. The GA Team 2000 initiative will combine the efforts of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) to increase the number of ...

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    Europe aims for tighter foreign-airline safety


    David Learmount/LONDON FOREIGN AIRLINES are to face tougher safety surveillance when they enter European airspace because of an agreement by the directors-general of the 33-member European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) to raise safety standards. This follows a similar decision by European Union ministers early in March. ...

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    Confusion over terminology


    Sir - Capt Jim Passmore, head of safety at British Airways, appears to have confused "minimum descent altitude" (MDA) with "decision altitude" (Letters, Flight International, 20-26 March, P100). There is a significant difference between the two, and to confuse them is hardly conducive to flight safety. If he is using ...

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    Dassault tackles cabin noise with seat system


    Andrew Doyle/PARIS AN INDIVIDUAL SEAT-based active noise-cancellation system for airliners, which eliminates the need for complex acoustic modeling of the cabin, is now under development by French companies Dassault Electronique and Technofirst. The active-noise controller for aircraft seat (ANCAS) system consists of an electronic controller ...

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    Sorry Business


    IF THE EUROPEAN BUSINESS Aircraft Association (EBAA) is to be believed, over-regulation, over-pricing and over-restriction are placing European business aviation in jeopardy, to the point of threatening the very existence of many operators. It is true that there are looming threats to the business community's continued hassle-free use of its ...

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    European business aviation 'in jeopardy'


    Julian Moxon/BRUSSELS A "SERIOUS DECLINE" in the number of business-aviation aircraft in Europe, and the imminent arrival of tough new regulations, is forcing the European Business Aircraft Association (EBAA) to become more vocal. Increasing difficulty over access to airports, the need to re-equip to meet forthcoming ...

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    AlliedSignal clinches China joint venture


    ALLIEDSIGNAL Aerospace has formed a joint venture with the Chinese Research Institute of Aero Accessories (CRIAA) to produce environmental-control equipment intended for the Chinese and international markets. The company, called CRIAA AlliedSignal Aero Accessories (CASAA), is the latest element of the US companies strategy, to penetrate the Chinese ...

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    FAA closes account on AGATE programme


    Karen Walker/TAMPA THE US FEDERAL Aviation Administration has come under fire from NASA and industry for pulling its funding from a programme aimed at rejuvenating general aviation (GA) and attracting new student pilots. NASA has warned that, without the FAA's share of funding for the ...