All General aviation articles – Page 672

  • News

    Fire-Fighting Offer


    The Bedek division of Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) is offering to provide fire-fighting services using Russian-made aircraft such as the Antonov An-32 on seasonal dry or wet lease. Bedek is also offering kits, which enable cargo transports such as the Lockheed Martin C-130 to be converted quickly into fire-fighting aircraft. ...

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    Robin expands with new four-seater


    Julian Moxon/DIJON AVIONS PIERRE ROBIN is working on a new high-performance four-seat light aircraft which will, it says, "...complete the range of aircraft we offer, and meet the demand for a new type in this category". A prototype now under construction at the company's factory ...

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    Right direction for Raytheon?


    Sir - I read the story "Raytheon light jet will have composite fuselage" (Flight International, 5-11 July, P4). If Raytheon believes that it is going to beat the Cessna CitationJet, it is throwing money down the drain. What Raytheon has done best is to perfect other fine designs ...

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    CSC wins FAA software work


    COMPUTER SCIENCES (CSC) has won a $207 million US Federal Aviation Administration contract to produce, install and support operational software for the agency's new air-traffic-control (ATC) automation systems. George Donohue, head of research and acquisition for the FAA says: "The contract enables us to begin moving key [ATC] ...

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    The costs of timesharing


    Sir - In the article "Jet Aviation backs business-jet timeshare-scheme launch" (Flight International, 19-25 July, P13) there is a mistake. Part owners will not have to pay $150,000 a year, then pay $500 per flight hour, but, for one-third of an aircraft, they will have to make a ...

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    US improvement continues in GA


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC THE HEALTH of the US general-aviation (GA) industry continues to improve. Aircraft makers shipped 445 aircraft, worth $1.3 billion, in the first six months of 1995, compared with only 406 aircraft, worth $973 million in the same period of 1994. The industry rebound, ...

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    US school qualifies pilot for UK flying certificate


    A US TRAINING school is claiming a first after a student passed the flight test, in the USA, for an UK Civil Aviation Authority professional licence. Long Beach, California based Everything Flyable says, that the flight test on 14 July was the first for a CAA licence to be conducted ...

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    Cessna/Raytheon study new business-jet plans


    CESSNA AND Raytheon Aircraft are studying new mid-sized business jets, which, if launched, would succeed the current Citation VII and Hawker 1000, respectively. The designs are likely to offer larger cabins and higher performance than the aircraft they would replace. Raytheon is believed to be studying a stretched, ...

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    AlliedSignal Engines


    Dassault's Falcon 900EX business jet, powered by three new AlliedSignal TFE731-60 turbofans, was first flown on 1 June. The US Federal Aviation Administration certificated the engine in May. Also in May, AlliedSignal confirmed the selection of the TFE731-40 for the Falcon 50EX twin-engine business jet. The company says ...

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    South Africa is raring to go


    Sir - In the article "Survival techniques" (Flight International, 12-18 July, P28) there is the subheading "No better in South Africa" (P32). Fortunately, there are also some positive indications later in the text. Industrial development is in the forefront, particularly in provincial South Africa. The Orange ...

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    The sum of future parts


    Global Airways flight 632 is midway between Manchester and Orlando. A line maintenance technician in Orlando, monitoring the aircraft's systems via satellite, is alerted to a malfunctioning aft fuel pump. The technician, who has never handled this problem before, consults a virtual workplace to review the system design and get ...

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    No goodbye to Tata deal?


    Singapore Airlines' plans to invest US$230 million in a 40 per cent share of a new Indian domestic may be stuck in the mire of Delhi politics, but the airline maintains they are far from buried. The new carrier, a joint venture with India's biggest conglomerate, Tata Industries, ...

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    FedEx sways on Subic Bay


    Amidst all the heat generated from the trade friction between the US and Japan on aviation matters, Federal Express stands out as the clear winner at home and abroad. In Washington, the express freight company's political sway has influenced the highest reaches of government. In Asia, the Japan dispute has ...

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    FAA rethinks procedures


    THE US FEDERAL Aviation Administration is now undertaking a comprehensive review of its regulations and certification procedures. FAA chief David Hinson says that he wants to take "...a fresh look at the way we do things". The review is expected to take up to nine months to complete. ...

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    European maintenance regulations


    APPROVAL OF MAINTENANCE ORGANISATIONS JAR 145 specifies maintenance equipment and procedures required for all commercial air-transport aircraft. The regulation has been European Union law since July 1991, and was brought into effect in January 1994. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATING STAFF JAR 65 defines the ...

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    Schweizer unveils Twin Condor for spy flights


    Ramon Lopez/ELMIRA, NEW YORK SCHWEIZER AIRCRAFT hopes to cash in on a growing international market for low-cost long-distance surveillance aircraft such as the RU-38A Twin Condor, which the US aircraft maker revealed publicly for the first time on 20 July. The US Coast Guard, which ...

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    New York carrier heliport is 'financially feasible'


    Graham Warwick/ATLANTA THE CREATION OF A New York heliport, using a retired helicopter-carrier moored off Manhattan, is financially feasible, according to a study completed by Intrepid Heliport. The plan calls for the USS Guadalcanal to be converted to a full-service heliport and moored to the veteran ...

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    IPTN MPA plans set back


    Paul Lewis/SINGAPORE INDONESIA'S air force has again pushed back its planned order for six Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN) CN-235 MPA maritime-patrol aircraft by a year, representing a further setback for the programme. IPTN had been hoping that the air force would launch the MPA version ...

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    FAA calls for check on THY JT8Ds overhauls


    THE US FEDERAL Aviation Administration will issue an airworthiness directive (AD) calling for detailed inspection of Pratt & Whitney JT8D turbofan engines overhauled by Turk Hava Yollari (THY), an FAA-certificated aircraft and engine-maintenance shop in Turkey. The AD results from an investigation of the 8 June uncontained failure ...

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    LoPresti to build Frati's F.22 in USA


    LOPRESTI AIRCRAFT IS to licence-manufacture the General Avia F.22 two-seat light aircraft in the USA for sale in North America. Vero Beach, Florida-based LoPresti has taken delivery of two Italian-built aircraft, which it will assemble and display at the Oshkosh show in late July. The company ...