Andrzej Jeziorski/MUNICH

THE GERMAN Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) is developing an in-flight simulation of an A3XX-type large commercial transport under contract from Airbus Industrie.

Airbus wants the establishment to develop a reference model of an aircraft, based on the expected dimensions, weight and inertia of the A3XX, to be programmed into the flight-control system of an in-flight simulator and used for future handling-qualities investigations. The model is to be completed by May .

Although the Airbus contract does not cover flight testing, the DLR plans to test fly the simulation on its VFW 614 advanced -technology testing aircraft system (ATTAS), under its own programme for investigating future large airliners.

DLR head of flight simulation Dietrich Hanke says that the establishment flew an early version of the simulation in November 1994. This flight was meant to prove whether an aircraft the size of the ATTAS - which was designed for a maximum take-off weight of 21t - could be made to handle like an 80m-long aircraft, with a maximum take-off weight of more than 400t .

Further flight-testing could begin as early as March, says Hanke, adding that the DLR hopes eventually to receive a flight-testing contract from Airbus.

The establishment is also working on developing a more advanced simulation which will take into account the effects of airframe flexing because of accelerations, in addition to the design's basic handling characteristics. Hanke expects this to be introduced into the test programme in 1996.

The A3XX is envisaged as a twin-deck airliner, seating from 530 to 800 passengers, powered by four turbofans drawn from the range of engines powering the Airbus A330 - the General Electric CF6-80E1, the Pratt & Whitney PW4168 or the Rolls-Royce Trent 700.

The programme is being run in parallel to the international very-large commercial transport (VLCT) study, involving the Airbus partners and Boeing. Results of the study are expected in the middle of the year.

Source: Flight International