Good Week

Good Week MTU
 © MTU
MTU AERO ENGINES The German powerplant maker raised full-year forecasts after posting solid nine-month figures, with sales and pre-tax profits both up 5% to €1.98 billion ($2.54 billion) and €295 million respectively. Chief executive Egon Behle expects to close the year with revenues of €2.65 billion and pre-tax profits of at least €400 million, adding €50 million in revenues and €10 million in pre-tax profits to his original forecast.


Bad Week

Bad Week Sterling Airlines
 © Sterling
STERLING AIRLINES The Copenhagen-based low-cost carrier has been struggling with high fuel prices but was pushed to bankruptcy by Iceland's financial crisis. Sterling is controlled by an Icelandic shareholder whose efforts to restructure the company were scuppered by the collapse of the Icelandic banking system. Sterling accounted for 10% of Copenhagen airport's traffic. It operated a fleet of over 20 Boeing 737 aircraft, leased from a variety of sources.

Source: Flight International