Airbus requires government support if it is to continue manufacturing wings in the UK, its chief executive has indicated.

Tom Enders says there are "no other plans" relating to wing production, but adds: "We expect that the environment in the UK and other countries will be conducive to the continuation of these activities."

Enders' comments came after the Society of British Aerospace Companies called for sustained UK government investment in the nation's composite capabilities, arguing that "there has been a continuing erosion of the UK's manufacturing role on Airbus wings".

Enders insists that Airbus' demands for launch aid reflect a desire to have a "level playing field" with its chief rival. He claims that the Boeing 787 is "by EU accounts, probably the most highly subsidised commercial airliner ever" and that there is "a bit of hypocrisy" in Boeing's protests against support to Airbus. That support comes in the form of "reimbursable loans", he adds.

Source: Flight International