Ryanair raid

Ryanair Holdings had by late last week raised its shareholding in Aer Lingus to 19.2% after the budget airline’s declaration of its intention to take over the Irish flag carrier. The Irish government says that it will not sell its minority shareholding in Aer Lingus and the carrier’s board has advised other stakeholders not to sell.


Boeing buoyant

Boeing has notched up net orders for 723 airliners so far this year, putting it on track to achieve near parity with 2005’s record-breaking net order tally of 1,002 and to bring it within range of the previous record year of 1988 when Boeing and McDonnell Douglas between them amassed 877. The 737 orderbook once again dominates, with 539 taken so far this year, while the 787 has attracted 111, the 777 24, the 767 eight and the 747 41. Boeing has left itself with 100 airliners to deliver between now and the end of the year to achieve its projected 2006 delivery target of 395.

Source: Flight International