Helibras has delivered the first four of 36 Airbus Helicopters AS550 Fennec and AS350 Squirrel helicopters it is modernising for the Brazilian army.
Performed at the Airbus Helicopters subsidiary's Itajubá facility, upgrades for the light single-engined rotorcraft include a glass cockpit, new communication and navigation systems and additional ballistic protection.
Felipe Christ/Helibras
The entire modernisation package has been developed by Helibras, and has received military certification from the Brazilian authorities.
All 36 helicopters will receive the enhancement package, with three also receiving significant airframe reconstruction.
Where possible upgrades have been produced locally or delivered by Brazilian companies. These include AEL Sistemas, Sagem Defesa Aeronáutica and Becker Avionics do Brasil.
Source: FlightGlobal.com