• Europe requires strong, consistent air traffic control regulations. Several approaches are possible, but the most likely is that regulation would be carried out at European Union (EU)level (ideally through the European Aviation Safety Agency), using Eurocontrol's expertise. This would also cover "associated states" outside the EU.

• There would still be national structures for local requirements, such as airport requirements, but these would be compatible with pan-European planning and design.

• The European Single Sky would be implemented in phases, starting with upper airspace. This is likely to start at 29,000ft (8,850m), with 19,000ft the possible next stage.

• No airspace zones are to be reserved for either military or civil use. Arbitration and co-ordination procedures are to be established.

• The High Level Group will report to the European Parliament and the EU Commission before the end of the year.

Source: Airline Business