Mark Hannant

Barry Eccleston, president and chief executive officer of International Aero Engines (IAE), has arrived at Asian Aerospace '98 with a bullish message of faith in the Asia-Pacific region.

He claims the effect of the region's financial problems on IAE's business has been minimal and that the region's inherent passion for success will spur a "bounce-back factor."

Says Eccleston: "IAE has enjoyed tremendous success here in head-to-head competition, especially since the last Singapore airshow. Our engines power two-thirds of Airbus A320 series airliners in the region, the majority of which are already in service.


"The effect of the region's financial problems on IAE has been minimal and I am confident that will remain the case.

"Taking our Chinese orders out of the equation, Asia-Pacific represents only 17% of our backlog, so our exposure is relatively small.

"I believe there is an inherent resilience in the region which will play its part in a long-term comeback."

Singapore has strong links with the V2500: Singapore Aircraft Lease Enterprise has ordered 12 V2500-powered A320/A321s and SilkAir has IAE engines in eight Airbuses.

The V2500 will also power the first Airbus A319 Corporate Jetliner ordered by the Mohamed Abdulmohsin Al Kharafi Conglomerate of Kuwait.

Source: Flight Daily News