Flight International online news 13:30GMT: Industry body IATA aims to see its e-freight initiative implemented on key trade routes by 2007 ahead of its aim to bring in paperless air cargo processing by the end of 2010.

IATA has already set an ambitious goal of passenger airlines’ implementing 100% e-ticketing by the end of 2007 and has hopes for the industry to move to a paperless environment in the air cargo sector as well.

This forms part of its ‘Simplifying the Business’ initiative launched in 2004.

Speaking at an industry conference dedicated to the subject of simplifying the cargo sector, IATA director general Giovanni Bisignani says: “Our mission is to take the paper out of the cargo by the end of 2010.

“The air cargo business is drowning in paper. Every cargo shipments travels with up to 38 documents. We are slow. Despite having an agreement on electronic airway bills as early as 1985, only 15% of shipments make use of this facility.”

Bisignani also claims ATA's e-freight will save $1.2 billion each year and will enable shipping time to be reduced by up to 25%.


Source: Flight International