A former JetBlue Airways and Virgin Atlantic manager, Alex Wilcox, is leading Indian start-up Kingfisher as its prepares to launch domestic operations. David Bryon, 38, has been appointed managing director of bmibaby, the low-cost arm of the bmi group. Icelandair Group's long-standing president Sigurdur Helgason is to retire at the end of May after 20 years service. Ron Sumsum has become acting chief executive of South Pacific carrier Air Vanuatu following the sudden departure of Jean-Paul Virelala. Dennis Cary is United Airline's new senior vice-president marketing

Obituary Des Hetherington, chief executive of BMED, passed away unexpectedly during a business trip to Morocco in mid-January. Hetherington began his career with British Airways in 1970 and held senior positions with Air Europe, DHL and Kenya Airways. Financial director Angus Saunders is acting chief executive until a new one is appointed.

Source: Airline Business